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The Market Near The Beach.

An animation visualizing a prose/narrative/conversation between a parent and child. 

It’s a two-minute peephole into their lives and everything beautiful, warm, big, small, and atmospheric around them. It’s a conversation on objects, loving each other, admitting things, and sensing small in a big world.


Parent: The market near the beach where you last part ways.

Child: Near the beach?

Parent: Kamu pasti akan suka. You used to love the walks and the sounds, the people and their dresses and their colors. (I think you will love it. You used to love the walks and the sounds, the people and their dresses and their colors.)

Child: I’ve learned to love the water too.

Parent: Tell me, what have you learned at twenty?

Child: Pen strokes, pebbles. That I know my way home on a cobblestone.

Parent: You followed the benches.

Child: And the chairs and counted backward.

Parent: Nanti, naik kereta lagi. Untuk nenek dan kakek. (Take the train again for your grandparents.)

Child: I’ll trace the lines, you’ll remember everything.

Parent: Even the sounds of people talking, whispering, and loving one another?

Child: Even the smell of grilled fish.

Parent: Kamu itu lebih tau tentang dunia ini, so much more than I do. I’ve stopped wondering. (You know so much about the world, so much more than I do. I’ve stopped wondering.)

Child: I’d read the entire sheet, but you know everything that’s in between—what’s important.

Parent: Segala yang penting itu ada di pasar, kamu akan bisa lihat hal-hal apa yang orang sayang tentang satu sama lain, dan di dekat lautan, kamu akan paham akan semuanya. (Everything that is important is at the market, you’ll see what people love about each other, and by the ocean, everything will make sense.)

Child: Like weaves, spun, shine…

Parent: When you arrive, you’ll see the glint of everything, in motion, at the same time, and it’ll change your life once again.
